Sep 27, 2008

Welcome to Jeju Island!

Welcome to Juju island!!
Hello? I'm Park Ja-kyeong, and I live in South Korea. I'm 18 years old.
Did you heard of 'Juju island'? I write this letter to introduce to you about beautiful Jeju island. Jeju Island is located in Korea south of the island. It is the most tourists in South Korea.
I went to Jeju last summer with my friends. Jeju has a little be hot weather, but I have wonderful trip ever I have. I will introduce to you the memories which I had in Jeju. Please, visit the Jeju to trace my travel. Then now let's go to the Jeju island to learn about the mysteries of that?

1. Jejudo

The Republic of Korea, the largest island in the Korean peninsula in the south. Halla Mountain in the center of the East and West made a gentle hill 73km, the two Koreas are oval in the 41km. The area below zero to keep the video will not fall in the winter. So you will always feel warm weather. And Jeju people's mind is warm, too.

2. Seongsan Ilchulbong (Sunrise Peak)

It is located on the east side of the jeju. You will look at the gorgeous scenery at a glance. It looks like a castle and the sunrise is very charming. Originally, the land and 1.5km away from the seomyieoteuna across the width of 500m of 4 weeks, and Jeju Island, said the development has the ilchulbong. It is too hard to walk to the top of the mountain. However the sunrise view in the top covers my fatigue. This place is the right to see jeju island at a glance.

3. Seopjikoji
Seopju is a geography which is a lot of my personal emissions. And Koji is Jeju dialect meaning cape. The bow-shaped beach and close to the beach side of gojaut Koji Koji is made up of the suspension. It is filming place the 'allin' drama. So a lot of sightseer had visit this. Walking alog the sea, I feel like in the ocean. That picture is my photo that I took in the Seopjikoji. The sea line isn't it wonderful? Walking alog Seopjikoji with your lover, you will never regret visiting Jeju island.

4. Miniature Theme Park (Soingook)
This is not a Pyramid in Egypt but Juje Miniature Theme Park. The picture is so real isn't it? I felt on the globe in Miniature Theme Park. 30 of the world's 116 countries that are on display scale models of famous buildings. Exhibits of the famous buildings around the world are the same because it was created by selecting the form of certain percentage of the same proportion. You will feel like in the Soingook like Gulliver as entering the park. How about go to the round-the-world trip in jeju?

5. Jusangjeolli
Jusangjeolli is the form of a hexagonal cross section, long a pillar or a triangle-shaped. As if it has cut with a knife. It is unbelievable that the Jusang jeolli is made by the waves. Miracle of the nature is so wonderful. Jusangjeolli is making we feel the miracle of the nature.
Why don't you come to the Jusangjeolli and look at in person?

6. beautiful ocean
This picture is my photo which was taken with my friend in the jeju ocean. The ocean is very clear, isn't it? The sea was showed obvious to cheat inside. Very clean and fresh. Jeju has more the 10 beachs. So the view of the ocean is surpring. The ocean fragrance made me happy and the sound of the waves made me cozy. Jeju likes Hawaii in America in Korea. Visit the Jeju island and soak your feet with Jeju ocean's water.

So far, is the trip is so fun with me? Jeju is more beautiful palce than seeing my picture. Please, visit the Jeju and enjoy Korea's beauty, taste. 혼저옵서예.

제주도에 오신것을 환영합니다!!

제주도에 오신 것을 환영합니다!!
안녕? 저는 대한민국에 살고 있는 18살 소녀 박자경이라고 합니다.
혹시 ‘제주도’라고 들어보았어요? 당신에게 대한민국에서 가장 아름다운 섬 제주도에 대해 소개해 주고 싶어서 이 글을 씁니다.
제주도는 대한민국 남쪽에 위치한 섬으로 한국에서 관광객이 가장 많이 오는 곳입니다.
나는 지난 여름 친구들과 함께 제주도를 다녀왔어요. 남쪽에 있어서 조금 더운 날씨이긴 했지만 내 생애 가장 즐겁고 아름다운 여행이었습니다. 그 소중한 추억의 일부를 당신에게 소개해 주려고 합니다. 부디, 저의 추억을 따라 당신도 제주도에 꼭! 방문해 좋은 기억을 간직하길 바랍니다. 그럼 지금부터 신비의 섬 제주도에 대해 알아볼까요?

1. 제주도(濟州島)
한반도 남방에 있는 대한민국에서 가장 큰 섬입니다. 중앙의 한라산을 중심으로 완만한 경사를 이루어 동서 73km, 남북 41km의 타원형을 하고 있습니다. 이 지역은 겨울에도 영하로 떨어지지 않고 영상을 유지한다. 그래서 항상 따뜻한 기후를 느낄수 있고 그만큼 제주도 사람들의 인정도 따뜻하다고 합니다.

2. 성산 일출봉

제주도 동쪽에 위치한 화산으로 한눈에 봐도 화려한 경치가 아주 멋있는 돌산 입니다. 그 모습이 거대한 성과 같다 하여 성산이라 하며, 해돋이가 유명하여 일출봉이라고 한다. 본래는 육지와 떨어진 섬이었으나 너비 500m 정도의 사주가 1.5km에 걸쳐 발달하여 일출봉과 제주도를 이어 놓았습니다. 전망대까지는 걸어서 올라가야 해서 너무 힘들었지만, 꼭대기에서 바라보는 해돋이 광경은 그 피로함을 모두 감싸주기에 충분했습니다. 제주도가 한눈에 내려다 보이는 이곳은 제주도에 온 사람이라면 꼭 한번 올라가 보아야 하는 곳이라고 생각합니다.

3. 섭지코지
섭지란 재사가 많이 배출되는 지세란 뜻이며 코지는 곶을 뜻하는 제주방언입니다. 뱃머리 모양을 하고 있는 바닷가 쪽의 고자웃 코지와 해수욕장 가까이에 있는 정지코지로 이루어져 있습니다. 해안은 해수면의 높이에 따라 물속에 잠겼다 나타났다 하는 기암괴석들로 절경을 이룹니다. 드라마 ‘올인’의 촬영지로 많은 관광객이 다녀간 이곳은 바다를 따라 걸으면 마치 바다 위를 걷고 있는 듯한 상상에 빠질 정도입니다. 옆에 제가 서있는 곳 뒤에 보이는 수평선이 정말 멋져 보이지 않으세요? 마음까지 시원해지는 섭지코지의 길을 연인과 함께 걸어보면 아마 제주도에 오신 것을 후회하지 않을 겁니다.

4. 소인국 테마파크
이곳은 이집트의 피라미드가 아니라 제주도 소인국 테마파크입니다. 정말 피라미드 앞에서 찍은 사진 같지 않으세요? 소인국테마파크는 마치 내가 지구본 위에 있는 듯한 상상을 불러일으키는 곳입니다. 세계 30개 국 유명 건축물의 축소모형(미니어처) 116점이 전시되어 있습니다. 전시물은 세계 각국의 유명한 건축물을 선별해 일정한 비율로 축소해 만들었기 때문에 형태는 똑같고, 재질과 크기만 다릅니다. 공원에 들어서면 마치 걸리버가 소인국에 온 것처럼 세계의 유명 건축물들을 한눈에 바라다볼 수 있도록 전시물을 배치하여 놓아서 여기저기 신기한 세계의 불가사이 들이 많이 있습니다. 제주도 안에서 세계 일주를 떠나 보는 것은 어떨까요?

5. 주상절리
주상절리란 단면의 형태가 육각형 내지 삼각형으로 긴 기둥 모양을 이루고 있는 절리를 말합니다. 화산암 암맥이나 용암, 용결응회암 등에서 생기는 주상절리는 자연이 만든 신비함입니다. 마치 칼로 잘라 놓은 듯한 주상절리의 모양은 파도로 인해 만들어 졌다고 해도 믿어지지 않을 정도입니다. 놀라운 자연의 신비를 느낄수 있는 제주도의 주상절리. 한번 직접 와서 보고 싶지 않으세요?

6. 아름다운 바다
옆에 사진은 제가 친구들과 제주도 바다에서 찍은 사진입니다. 바다가 너무 맑지 않아요? 속이 훤히 들여다보일 정도로 맑은 바다는 정말 아름답고 깨끗했어요. 10개가 넘는 해수욕장을 가지고 있는 제주도는 섬답게 바다 풍경이 정말 놀랍습니다. 바다 내음새가 제주도 전체에 스며들어 여행 내내 기분을 좋게 해주고 파도소리는 마음을 편안하게 해줍니다. 미국의 하와이 정도 되는 섬이 아마 한국의 제주도일겁니다. 한번 와서 제주도의 아름다운 바다에 발을 담가보고 싶지 않으세요?

지금까지 저와 함께한 제주도 관광 즐거우셨어요? 제주도는 사진에서 본 것보다 더 아름답고 푸근하답니다. 제주도 꼭 한번 오셔서 한국의 멋과 맛을 즐겨보셔요. 혼저옵서예.

The Interesting Feature of Korean Chopsticks is that Those Are Made of Metal.

The Interesting Feature of Korean Chopsticks is that Those Are Made of Metal.
Chopsticks are one of most unique culture in East Asia. Chopsticks have amazingly long history comparing with a folk. Ancient Chinese used chopsticks 3000 years ago and those were made of bronze. Chopsticks were introduced to Korea 1800 years ago and to Japan 1400 years ago with rice. A folk, however, has been used in Europe since 14th century.

All of Korean, Chinese and Japanese use chopsticks when they eat a meal. In a point of Western people's view, they seem to use same chopsticks but it is not true. You can find that each country use different chopsticks in different ways if you look at it carefully.

First, Chinese one is longer thicker than others. They use chopsticks to pick side dishes but they use it toughly as compare with Koreans. They bring a rice bow close to face by hand and scrape boiled rice to their mouth by chopsticks. Chopsticks in China are usually made of wood or plastic.

Japanese use the shortest one among three countries. The shape of them is a cone and they usually use wooden chopsticks. They normally use those to pick something such as boiled rice, noodles and so on. Besides they also eat boiled rice holing a rice bow by another hand.

The most interesting feature of Korean chopsticks is that those are made of metal. Of course, Korean also use wooden and plastic one. The length is longer than Japanese one and shorter than Chinese one but Korean one is the heaviest. Korean never eat boiled rice holding a rice bow by another hand. Korean use both of chopsticks and a spoon when they eat boiled rice. As a result, Korean are accustomed to using chopsticks more delicately and widely. Korean can pick up small things using chopsticks and even tear something. Some people believe that Korean can make sophisticated products because they use metal chopsticks.

These differences come from each county's own culture. Japanese and Korean eat short grain in rice but Chinese usually eat long grain. Shot grain is much more adhesive than long grain. Therefore Korean and Japanese can pick up boiled rice easily by chopsticks and do not need to bring a rice bow close to face. Traditionally, it is a very superficial action to hold a rice bow in Korea but eating boiled rice by spoon is superficial in Japan.

As author mentioned above, Korea, Japan and China have similar and different culture like chopsticks. If you try to find common and different feature among those culture, you can learn Korean, Chinese and Japanese culture more easily and enjoyably. By Sung-Joon Hwang, VANK Columnist황성준 칼럼니스트

Most Korean has Eaten These Snacks

The total output of Korean snack industry - including the sweet, cracker, and biscuit industries - is over 200 trillion dollars a year. Since the first factory-made Korean caramel is made in 1946, uncountable snacks have been emerged and disappeared in Korean snack market. Among those snacks, there are two very old and beloved snacks that most Korean has eaten them: Saewookkang and Chocopie. Saewookkang is about 5-6cm long, shrimp containing - the “saewoo” means shrimp in Korean - snack. It is salty and tastes like roasted sesame. Its inside is full of pores, like that of bread, which make it crispy. Accumulatively 4.5 billion packs of Saewookkang, which cost 900 trillion dollars, have been sold. There are several major success factors: its high quality, putting real shrimp in it instead of artificial shrimp flavor; using familiar word to Korean, “kkang”; its light CM song, which emphasis its popular appeal. The other beloved snack is Chocopie. Two pieces of soft chocolate-coated pies are connected with sticky and white marshmallow. Its diameter is 7cm with 2.3cm of thickness. 1,000 trillion and 1.4 billion dollars of Chocopie have been sold only in Korea. Also, they are exported to 50 countries, including Russia, China, Mongolia, Vietnam, and India. Similar to Saewookkang's case, Chocopie's CF has credit for Chocopie's success, accentuating the warm heart which Koreans value.
By Jee-Seun Choi, Reporter최지선 기자


What is Galbi?In short, Galbi means, "rib." In Korea, there are three ways to cook Galbi. First, beef rib is usually for grilled rib or stew. Second, there is pork rib for steamed rib. Third, there is chicken rib, which is also steam-cooked, but using whole chicken. Many people love Galbi because it is neither hot nor spicy. For this reason, Galbi is one of the popular Korean dishes. In particular, "LA Galbi" is very famous.

- Preparation Time : 1hour and 20 minutes

- Cooking Time : 12~15minutes, serving size: 3 people

▷ Ingredients
600g beef rib200g washed lettuce- Decoration (optional)1ts ground pine nuts,
- Marinade4Ts soy sauce, 3Ts sugar,4Ts chopped leek,1ts chopped garlic2Ts ground sesame, 2Ts sesame oil2Ts refined rice wine,ground pepper3Ts onion juice or pear juice

▷ Recipe

1. Cut rib into 4cm length, removing excess fat. 2. Make small cuts all around the flesh. 3. Combine soy sauce, sugar, chopped leek, copped garlic, ground sesame, sesame oil, refined rice wine, pepper and onion juice (or pear juice) in a bowl. Mix well.) 4. Move rib into a bowl and marinate for 1 hour. 5. Preheat a large frying pan (or a grill) and add marinated rib on the pan. 6. Keep brushing rib all over with marinade juice and cook over medium heat for 5~6minutes each side. 7. Remove from pan; transfer rib to a serving plate. 8. Pour ground pine nuts on rib and serve. 9 . Wrap Galbi with lettuce and enjoy!

Laver roll-rice

Preparation & Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Serves: 3

* Ingredient

3 Cups steamed rice 2 eggs, 3TS water, 1ts salt, 1/4ts sugar1 cucumber , 1/2ts salt100g ham 100g Pickled radish in Japanese style 3 sheets of laver

* Recipe

1. Cool steamed rice.
2. Diagonally cut cucumbers into long thin slices, mix reserved them with salt.3. Cut ham and pickled radish into long thin slices.4. Sift sugar and salt in medium mixing bowl and add combined eggs and water, mix.5. Pour the mixture (Number ④) onto base of pan. When top is bubbly and underside is golden, turn over and cook other side. Remove from pan and Cut it into long slices.6. Toast sheets of laver.
7. Place steamed rice onto center of a laver and spread rice with fingers into a same size of laver. (Remain the upper portion of laver, 2cm)8. Place other fillings and arrange them on the spread rice.
9. Roll it up and cut into 10 pieces.


Pyon-su is cold Mandu but its form is a little bit different from Mandu. Mandu is like a half moon but shape of Pyon-su is a square. It is suitable for hot weather because it makes your mouth cool and joyful.
- Preparation Time : 20 m / Cooking Time : 40 m / Serves : 2

* Ingredients
Pastry :3Cups plain flour2/3cup hot water1/4ts salt
Beef Stock :200g beef 4Ts soysauce 2ts sugar1/2ts vinegar8Cups water1 egg
200g minced beef1 piece of Tofu100g green bean sprouts4 mushrooms6Cups watera wet cloth

* Recipe

1. Sift flour and salt in a medium-mixing bowl.

2. Gradually add hot water and stir until mixture well. Knead the dough.

3. Cover pastry with a wet cloth.

4. Heat water in a pan. When it is boiled, add beef. Cook 20 minutes.

5. Remove bubbles from the stock. Cool stock and add sugar, vinegar and soy sauce.

6. Stir egg and place in a pan. Cook over low heat. Remove from heat, cut egg into 0.5cm*5cm pieces.

7. Add minced meat in a pan and cook until lightly brown. Put mushrooms and bean sprouts in boiled water for 1 minute and pick it up.

8. Mash Tofu and chop mushrooms and sprouts. Place in a medium bowl, add minced meat, mushrooms and sprouts, mix well.

9. Unlike Mandu, Roll one portion of pastry into a perfect square, 6cm*6cm.

10. Place a portion of filling onto center of round and brush outer edge of square with water.Pinch each pastry corner to the center. Bring pastry over filling to form a square.

11. Stand upright on a tray. Repeat ⑨,⑩ with remaining pastry and filling.

12. Drop Mandu into boiling water. Heat 5 minutes and take it out of water.

13. Place 3 Pyon-su in a serving dish and add 1 Cup stock. Place decorating egg on Pyon-su and serve.

Bibimbap is originated from Jeonju

What is Dolsot Bibimbap?
Bibimbap is originated from Jeonju in Jeonna province but now its taste and flavor capture every tourist. Bibimbap is one of the popular Korean foods. Thus, it is served in a plane as a flight meal. Bibimbap is just mixing various kinds of vegetables, rice and seasoned beef. Dolsot bibimbap is slightly different from normal bibimbap because of the way to serve it. Usually, Dolsot bibimbap is served by setting with a Dolsot. Dolsot means a rice pot and it contains steamed crops such as rice, chestnut, bean, red bean and so on.
- Preparation Time : 1hour and 30 minutes - Cooking Time : 1hour , serving size: 1 person

▷ Ingredients
- rice : 2 cups raw rice, 1 Cup glutinous rice, 1 Cup red bean, 1 Cup bean, 6 Ginkgo nuts, 2 chestnuts, 5 Cups water- boiled red pepper paste : 2Ts red pepper paste, 1 1/2 Ts soy sauce, 1Ts finely chopped garlic, 2Ts chopped leak, 1Ts sugar 2Ts sesame oil, 1Ts ground sesame
- 100g minced beef + 1ts soy sauce, 1Ts chopped leak, 1Ts crushed garlic, 1Ts sesame oil- 1/2 large carrot + 1ts salt, 1ts sesame oil
- 100g roots of Chinese bellflower or 100g sliced cucumber + 1Ts salt,1ts ground sesame,1ts sesame oil- 50g bean sprout + 1ts salt, 1Ts chopped leak, 1Ts crushed garlic, 1ts sesame oil, 1ts ground sesame- 3 Pyogo mushrooms + 1ts salt, 1ts sesame oil
2 leaves lettuce, 1 egg

▷ Preparation
1. Soak beans and red beans before cooking for 24 hours.
2. Rinse rice and glutinous rice. Soak them for 30 minutes.
3. Branch chestnuts and cut them in half.
4. Heat a frying pan over low heat and fry ginkgo nuts slightly. Then, scrub them for taking the shell off.
5. Knead roots of Chinese bellflower (or sliced cucumber) with salt. Rinse and drain well.
6. Slice carrot thinly.
7. Tail bean sprouts and throw it in boiling water for 10~15seconds. Drain and chill.
8. Refresh lettuce under cold running water. Slice

▷ Recipe
1. Before 30 minutes for cooking, drain the soaked rice and glutinous rice.
2. Place rice, glutinous rice, chestnuts, red beans, beans and ginkgo nuts in a rice pot with water.
3. Do not cover the pot and heat to high. When it is about to overflow, reduce heat to low.
4. When it is almost done (rice is translucent), heat highly again for 30 seconds and simmer uncovered 2 minutes.
5. Turn off the gas and cover the pot for 5 minutes. Uncover and stir slightly.
6. Heat a frying pan. Season meat with soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped leak, crushed garlic and pepper.
Cook beef over medium heat in a pan.
7. Mix roots of Chinese bellflower(or sliced cucumber), ground sesame and sesame oil. Then, cook in a pan.
8. Blend carrot, salt and sesame oil. Cook.
9. Cut Pyogo mushrooms into long thins. Add salt and sesame oil and cook.
10. Knead bean sprouts with salt, chopped leak, crushed garlic, sesame oil and ground sesame.
11. Prepare a sunny-side up egg.
12. Place red pepper paste with prepared spices in a pan. Heat until boiling.
13. Place rice in a bowl. Add cooked vegetables and beef on the rice.
14. Pour boiled red pepper paste in center of rice.
15. place egg on red pepper paste. Decorate rice with sliced lettuce.
16. Serve.

Sep 22, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

9월22일은 내 생일이다^^
너무 기분 좋은 하루였다^^
나를 낳아준 부모님께 정말 감사하고
축하해준 친구들에게 너무 고맙다^^
친구들아~ 사랑해♡

Happy Birthday!!


나의 생일이다^^

나를 낳아준 부모님께 정말 감사드리고

친구들이 너무 많이 축하해줘서..


In Seoul Poto


카페(cafe)in seoul

World-cup park which is located near the World-cup Stadium consists of four unique, eco-friendly parks, Pyeonghwa (peace), Haneul (sky), Noeul (a glow), Nanjicheon and Nanji Hangang park.


On June 1, I walked around Insa-dong area which known as the Korean traditional street with many Korean traditional caf? galleries and restaurants. It was very nice day and even I felt hot. Insa-dong area is very well known place to foreigners who are interested in Korean culture, way of life. You can experience Korean traditional culture here. Sometimes they play Korean dance or music. You can buy Korean potteries, Hanbok, Korean pictures etc.
How to get there?
I suggest you to take a subway especially on weekends. Take subway line # 1 or line # 3 or line # 5 and then get off at subway station Jongno 3(sam)-ga(Tapgol park)?then walk down to Jongno 1(il)-ga for about 3 minutes. You will meet big 4-way intersection. On you right there is the entrance of the Insa-dong.

독도 DokDo

<<한국의 관광지, 아름다운 섬 독도 알아보기>>
◎ 위치경북 울릉군 울릉읍 독도리 산 1-37번지◎ 홈페이지◎ 개요독도는 우리나라 가장 동쪽 끝에 있는 섬으로, 동경 131도52, 북위 37도14에 위치해 있다. 비교적 큰 두 개의 섬과 작은 바위섬으로 이루어진 화산섬이다. 바다제비, 슴새, 괭이갈매기 등 희귀한 해조류들이 살고 있으며, 천연기념물 제336호로 지정·보호되고 있다. 동해의 맑은 바다와 외로이 떠있는 섬과 해조류들이 어우러져 매우 아름다운 섬이다.
일본 시마네현 의회가 2005년 3월 16일 매년 2월22일을 '다케시마(독도의 일본식 이름)의 날’로 정하는 조례안을 가결한 후 독도 입도가 허용되고 있으나, 아직은 많은 인원이 입도하기는 무리다.
◎ 역사
독도(獨島)라는 명칭이 처음으로 문헌에 나타난 것은 광무10년(1906년)으로 울릉군수 심흥택(沈興澤)의 보고서 중 병오 음력 3월 5일조에 [본군소속 독도]라 기록되었으며 구한말의 시인이며 우국지사 황현(黃玹)의 "매천야록"에도 광무 10년 병오 4월조(條)에 명칭이 있는 것을 보면 구한말 고종시대부터 이 섬을 독도라 불렀다고 볼 수 있으며, 1882년(고종 19년) 울릉도개척이후 울릉도 주민이 이와 같이 命名한듯 하다.그런데 광무 9년(1905년) 러일전쟁 때 일본이 이 섬을 강탈한 후 "독도" 라는 우리의 명칭은 없어지고 "다께시마(竹島)"라는 일본명칭과 프랑스이름 "리앙쿠르(Liancourt)", 영국 명칭 "호넷(Hornet)" 으로만 해도(海圖)에 표시되었다. 원래 "다께시마"는 숙종 19년(1693년) 이래 일본인들이 울릉도를 지칭하던 것인데 고종 때 일본인들이 울릉도를 "마쓰시마"(松島)로 개칭하고, "다께시마"의 명칭을 독도에 옮겨 붙인 것이다."리앙쿠르"는 헌종15년(1849년)에 프랑스의 포경선 리앙쿠르호가 이 섬을 발견하고 배의 이름을 따서 붙인 것이며, "호넷"은 철종6년 (1855년)에 영국의 함선 호넷호가 이 섬을 발견하고 또한 그 배 이름을 따라 붙인 것이다.이와 같이 독도 한 섬에 대하여 여러가지 명칭이 있으나 우리나라에서는 조선 초기부터 이 섬을 우산(于山) 또는 삼봉도(三峰島) 등으로 부르고 강원도 울진현(蔚珍縣)에 소속시켰다. 즉 세종실록 권 153지리지(地理誌) 강원도 울진현 조(條)에 울진현의 부속도서를 우산도(于山島)와 무릉도(武陵島-울릉도)로 하였고, 두 섬의 위치와 상호관계를 기록하였다. 즉 "우산, 무릉의 두 섬은 울진현 바로 동쪽바다 가운데 있는데 두 섬의 거리가 멀지 아니하여 일기가 청명하면 서로 바라볼 수 있다.(于山武陵二島 在縣正東海中 二島相 玄不遠 風日淸的 則可望見)" 라고 기록되어 있다.무릉도는 울릉도의 별칭이다. 울진 동쪽바다 가운데는 울릉도와 독도 이외에 다른 섬이 없고 울릉도와 독도는 일기가 청명할 때 서로 바라볼 수 있어(독도-울릉도 남동쪽 87.4km) 세종실록지리지의 "우산도", "무릉도"의 기록과 꼭 같으며, 무릉도는 울릉도의 별칭이니 우산도는 독도를 일컬음이 틀림없는 것이다.그리고 동국여지승람(東國輿地勝覽)에도 울진현의 속도(屬島)로 우산도와 울릉도가 기록되어 있다. 다만 동국여지승람 주(註) 가운데 "일설에는 우산도와 울릉도가 같은 섬이다(一說 于山鬱陵本一島)" 라는 귀절이 있고 삼국시대에 울릉도를 우산국이라 한 사실 두 가지를 들어 일본정부에서는 우산도를 독도라 한 우리의 주장을 반박해 왔다. 그러나 우산도와 울릉도를 각각 다른 섬으로 구별하여 기록한 동국여지승람의 본문을 버리고 참고로 기록한 주(註)의 일설만을 취하여, 울릉도와 우산도를 같은 섬이라 한 해석은 정당하지 아니하며 삼국시대의 우산국(于山國)과 세종실록 및 동국여지승람의 우산도는 국(國)과 도(島)의 구별이 있어 그 성질이 전혀 다른 것이므로 일본측의 주장은 우산도를 독도라 하는 우리의 주장에 아무런 영향을 주지 못하는 것이다.
이렇듯 우리나라의 사료(史料)에 독도가 자주 기록되었으나 사람의 발길이 닿기 어려운 섬이었음은 삼봉도(三峰島)기록으로 잘 알 수 있다. 즉 성종실록에 의하면 삼봉도는 동해 가운데 있는 섬으로 처음에는 누구든지 한번도 가보지 못한 수수께끼의 섬이었다. 그런데 강원도 영안도(永安島=咸鏡島)의 유민(流民)이 이 섬에 들어가 산다는 말이 있어 영안도 관찰사는 수차 사람을 보내어 이 섬을 수색토록 하였으나, 한 번도 발견하지 못하고 성종7년(1476년)에 영안도 관찰사 이극균(李克均)이 보낸 영흥인(永興人) 김자주(金自周)등 12명이 삼봉(三峰)을 바라보고 온 일이 있다.성록실록의 성종 7년 12월 정유(丁酉: 27일) 조(條)에 기록되어 있는 김자주(金自周)의 말에 의하면, 그는 9월 16일에 출발하여 25일에 삼봉도(三峰島)를 바라보니 섬 북쪽에 삼석(三石)이 있고, 다음에 소도(小島)가 있고, 다음에 암석이 서 있고, 다음에 중도(中島)가, 중도 서쪽에 또 소도(小島)가 있는데, 모두 바닷물이 유통(流通)하고 섬 사이에 인형(人形)과 같은 것이 30m쯤 나란히 서 있으므로 겁이 나서 섬에 가지못하고 도형(島形)을 그려 왔다라고 기록되어 있다. 이 기록에 의하면 김자주(金自周) 등은 삼봉도에 상륙하지 못하고 온 것인데 그가 말한 삼봉도의 모형은 지금의 독도와 다름이 없는 것이다. 즉, 섬 북쪽에 삼석(三石)이 서 있다함은 서도(西島) 북방에 높이 솟은 3개의 바위섬을 말하는 것이고, 다음의 소도(小島)와 암석(岩石)은 동도(東島)와 서도(西島)사이에 무수히 흩어져 있는 바위들이며, 도(中島)는 서도(西島)를, 중도 서쪽의 소도(小島)는 동도(東島)동남방에 높이 솟은 바위섬을 말한 것으로 대개 지금의 독도와 모양이 같다. 섬 사이에 바닷물이 유통한다는 것은 동도(東島)와 서도(西島)사이를 말한 것으로 짐작되며 인형과 같은 것은 울릉도에서 "가재"라 부르는 "바다사자"를 말한 것으로 보인다.이상과 같이 우리나라의 여러 사료(史料)에는 울릉도와 독도가 우리의 영토임을 분명히 하고 있고 일본측 사료(史料)인 통항일람(通航一覽)등에도 안용복(安龍輻)의 항의에 의하여 울릉도와 독도를 우리 땅으로 인정하고 독도의 귀속문제를 분명히 하였다.또한, 1904년(광무8년)에는 일본군함 "쓰시마호"(對馬號)가 독도를 조사하여 그 결과를 발표한 해군성(海軍省) 간행의 조선연안수로지에도 매년 여름 강치(海驪)를 잡기 위하여, 울릉도의 도민(島民)이 수십명씩 와서 섬에 작은 집을 짓고 거주한다고 기록하였고, 1923년 시마네현(鳥根縣) 교육회가 편찬한 "시마네현지"에도 독도의 대하(貸下)를 위하여 나까이(中井養三郞)가 1903년 농상성(農商省)에 교섭하였다고 기록하였는데 이때 일본정부는 독도를 한국영토로 인정했기 때문에 허가원을 처리하지 않았다.그러나 일본은 1905년(광무9년) "시마네현" 고시 40호로 독도를 "다께시마"로 개칭하고 시마네현에 편입시킨 다음, 한일의정서(韓日議定書)에 의하여 한국에 대한 세력을 얻은 후, 1906년(광무10년) 4월8일 이 사실을 울릉군수 심흥택(沈興澤)에 통고하였다. 그러나 이 때의 한국정부는 이미 실질적인 주권을 잃은 때였으므로 아무 항의도 제기하지 못하였다.일본이 과연 독도가 일본 고유의 영토라고 한다면, 1903년 "나까이"가 독도를 일본에 편입시켜 자기에게 대하(貸下)해 주도록 신청할 필요도 없거니와 일본이 1905년 일개 현(縣)의 고시로 독도를 일방적으로 시마네현에 편입시킨 후 울릉군수를 찾아와 독도가 일본에 편입되었다는 사실을 통고할 이유가 없는 것이다.이같이 일본은 독도를 점유하려 하였으나 지리상 일본에서 멀리 떨어져 있고, 우리나라와 가까와 그 후에도 일본인은 독도를 우리나라 영토로 인식하였다. 즉, 다부찌(田淵友彦)의 한국지리지<제국백과저서 134편> 1908년(융희2년)에 간행된 한국수산지(水産誌)등에도 독도를 울릉도와 같이 한국영토로 표시하였다.그러나 1952년 1월 18일 한국정부가 "인접해양의 주권에 관한 대통령선언을 선포하자(이승만라인) 1월 24일 일본은 외무성 각서로 이를 항의하고 독도의 일본소속을 주장함으로써 영속권(領屬權)문제가 발생하였다. 일본은 선점권(先占權)을 내세우나 국제법상 선점권의 효과가 발생하려면 그 지역이 무주물(無主物)이어야 하며, 영토취득의 국정의사(國定意思)와 대외공포가 있어야 하고, 그 지역을 실질적으로 지배 점유하고 있어야한다. 독도가 무주(無主)의 지역이 아님은 이미 앞에서 밝힌 바와 같이, 독도는 서기 512년 이래 한 번도 한국 영토에서 분리되거나 타국의 지배를 받은 바도 없었고, 사람이 상주하고 있지 않았다 해서 주인 없는 지역으로 삼을 수 있는 하등의 이유가 없는 것이다. 또한 일본은 영토 취득의 국정의사를 표명하였다 하나, 1905년 남의 영토를 상대국으로 가장 가까운 한국 정부와 상의도 없이 1개 지방 관청의 고시로 처리함은 상식 밖의 일로서 그 고시는 국가를 상대로 한 대외적 의사표시로서는 효과가 없는 것이다. 일본의 일부 극단주의자들이 독도의 무력 탈취를 꾀한 때도 있었으나, 이제는 우리의 경찰이 1956년 독도 의용수비대(대장 홍순칠)로부터 인수하여 조상이 물려 준 국토의 마지막 한치를 지켜가고 있으며 외로운 섬을 찾아드는 희귀 해조류(海鳥類)를 보호하기 위하여 독도 일원의 섬 178,781㎡를 1982년 11월 16일 천연기념물 제 336호 "독도 해조류(바다제비, 슴새, 괭이갈매기) 번식지"로 지정하였다.
◎ 자료제공: 한국관광공사 (
▶ 독도 가는 법울릉도까지는 동해 묵호항이나 포항여객선터미널에서 쾌속선을 타고 가야하는데 각각 하루 1회씩(주말에는 2회), 묵호에서는 한겨레호(묵호항~도동항을 매일 오전 10시 1회 왕복 운항(033-531-5891). 도동항 출항 오후 3시. 왕복 8만5000원. 2시간 반 정도 소요),포항에서는 썬플라워호(포항~도동항을 매일 오전 10시 1회 왕복 운항(054-242-5111). 도동 출항 오후 4시. 왕복 10만700원, 3시간~3시간 30분 소요)가 운항된다. 최종 목적지인 울릉도 ~ 독도까지는 매일 유람선 삼봉호(왕복 5시간 소요)나 쾌속선 한겨레호,썬플라워호(편도 1시간20분 소요)가 출항한다. 각 왕복 3만7500원. 대아여행사(02-514-6766).▶ 독도 입도섬 전체가 천연기념물(제336호)인 독도는 종전에는 입도를 제한하였으나 정부가 입도를 전면허용하면서 1일 140명까지는 누구나 신청만 하면 기상여건이 허용하는 한 갈 수 있다. 현재 독도를 운행하는 여객선은 삼봉호(106t, 정원215명)가 하루 두차례(오전 7시 30분,오후 2시 30분) 도동~독도를 운항(소요시간 5시간, 1인당 37,500원)하고 있다. 접안시간 포함 왕복 6시간. (주)대아는 썬플라워호(2390t급,정원815명)를 매주 토요일 낮2시, 한겨레호(445t급,정원445명)는 4월4일부터 매일 낮 2시(토 제외) 독도 선회관광왕복 3시간 남짓.▶ 문 의- 울릉군청 문화관광과 (054)790-6393.- (주)독도관광해운(삼봉호) (054)791-8111
◎ 자료제공: 한국관광공사 (

독도가 외로운섬??

"울릉도 동남쪽 뱃길따리 200리, 외로운 섬하나 새들의 고향 ~..."
대한민국 국민이라면 누구나 이 노래를 한 번쯤 들어봤을 것입니다. 네, 바로 독도에 대한 노래입니다. 천연기념물 336호인 독도는 그 동안 자연훼손을 우려로 입도가 허용되지 않았으나 최근 일본 시네마현의 독도 조례 통과에 이어 한국 정부의 대응방침으로 입도가 전면적으로 허용되었습니다. 따라서 누구나 마음 속의 고향, 독도를 여행할 수 있게 되었고 현재 많은 사람들이 독도를 방문하고 있습니다. 독도는 단순히 두 개의 섬으로 이루어진 외로운 섬이 아닌 빼어난 자연환경과 다양한 해조류가 공존하는 아름다운 섬입니다. 이제 한국의 아름다운 관광지가 된 섬 "독도"를 홍보하기에 앞서 먼저 독도에 대해 알아봅시다.

◎ AddressSan 1~37, Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do◎ Description
Dokdo is an isolated island in the eastern reaches of the nation's territory. It is located 87.4km southeast of Ulleungdo Island.Dokdo Island (180.902㎢) is formed from volcanic rock. The island is located at a latitude of 37° 14' north and a longitude of 131° 52' east.Along with Ulleungdo Island, Dokdo Island was one part of a country called Usanguk. According to records, Usanguk became part of the Silla dynasty (57B.C. ~ 935 A.D.) in June of the 13th year that King Jijeung ruled Silla . Isabu (a general and politician of Silla) gained enough strength at that time to take over Usanguk.In the Seongjong Memoir of the Joseon dynasty, there are passages of a Kim Jaju describing Dokdo Island (called Sambongdo at that time). Dokdo was called 'Sambongdo', 'Gajido' or 'Usando', but the name was changed to Dokdo in 1881. The name 'Dokdo' was first used in 1906 by the Ulleung county headman Sim Heungtaek. In 1914, Dokdo Island officially became an administrative district of the Gyeongsangbuk-do province.Dokdo Island is composed of two main islets, Dongdo (East Island)and Seodo (West Island), as well as 36 rock islets. Dongdo (98 meters above sea level) has a crater. Seodo (168 meters above sea level) does not have a crater but it is also made of volcanic rocks. Between Dongdo and Seodo is the Hyeongjegul Cave, and there is the Cheonsanggul Cave on Dongdo. Over time, other caves and topographic features of the island have formed due to weathering and erosion.Presently there are security guards on Dokdo Island. Houses were built on the rocks and a small harbor as well. Several fresh water sources have also been found on the island, supplying safe drinking water for its inhabitants.
◎ Source: Korea National Tourism Organization (

▶ Travel TIPSUntil recently, only researchers, reporters and other special cases were given permission to tour Dokdo. Now, anyone interested in visiting the island can apply at the Ulleung-gun Administrative Office (+82-54-790-6420/Kor). Interested persons can only visit the island after permission has been granted and must apply 15 days prior to their desired tour date.Visitors wishing to take a ferry ride around the island may do so at anytime. Ferries run twice a day, the first at 7 am and the second at 2 pm. You can catch the Sambongho ferry at Dodong Harbor on Ulleungdo Island. The trip lasts for approximately four hours and costs 37,500 won for those 19 years and over. Approximately 30~40 minutes of the ferry trip are spent exploring the coastline of Dokdo. ▶ Local TransportationThe Sunflower Ferry (Daeah Express Shipping Company) has regular rides between Pohang and Ulleungdo. There are also extra rides to Ulluengdo, but they are only available if you make reservations one month prior to your trip. It is 92km from Ulleungdo to Dokdo and takes an hour and twenty minutes.▶ Detailed InfoInquiries: Culture and Tourism Department of Ulleung-gunTel. +82-54-790-6393 (Kor)Website: (English) ◎ Source: Korea National Tourism Organization (

Sep 20, 2008

Celebration Events During Chuseok Holiday in 2008

Chuseok is one of Korea’s most largely celebrated holidays. It is a time when families and friends gather to share food and enjoy their time together, giving thanks to their ancestors for the year’s bountiful harvests. Chuseok this year falls on September 14th of the solar calendar, so the holidays will last from September 13th to September 15th.During Chuseok, a variety of traditional holiday events will be held at cultural hotspots throughout Seoul. Traditional cultural events will be held at Seoul’s major palaces including Gyeongbokgung Palace and also at The Korea Folk Village. The National Folk Museum of Korea also plans to open a variety of Chuseok related events. You can participate in some hands-on programs at Namsangol Hanok Village as well. In addition, Lotte World, Everland, and Seoul Land will be holding a traditional Korean dance performance and folk games.

KOREA HOUSE Folk Performance

01.01.2008 ~ 12.31.2008
Seoul, Jung-gu, Pil-dong 2-ga, 80-2
Performance Times
Monday to Saturday 7:00 PM, 8:50 PM / Sunday 8:00 PM
- Korea Travel Phone +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese) - For more info +82-2-2266-9101~3 (Korean, English, Japanese)
Admission/Participation Fees
35,000 won
Duration of Performance
Monday to Saturday 7:00, 8:50 / Sunday 8:00 PM
The Korea House folk performance team, established by the Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural Properties (FPCP) who helps preserve and promote Korean traditional cultural arts, presents a spectular Korean performing arts showcase throughout the year for both natives and foreign visitors. Inside the Korea House is a folk performance hall, which holds 156 seats, where human cultural properties, performers from the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, and dancers from the National Dance Company in Korea perform Korean traditional music and dance every afternoon. In particular, programs like “Sinawi”, “Buchaechum (a traditional fan dance)”, “Salpuri (a traditional shamanism dance)”, “Pansori (a traditional narrative song)”, “Bukchum (a traditional drum dance)”, “Bongsantalchum (a traditional Bonsan masked dance)”, “Seungmu (a Buddhist solo dance in white clothing)”, and “Barachum (a Buddhist ritual dance)” are famously enjoyed by foreign visitors. Event Programs: The regular folk performance held at the Korea House where various Korean cultural experiences including food and performances can be enjoyed presents eight diverse performances for about an hour.Various folk performances including “Gainjeonmokdan” - a royal court dance designed by Prince Hyomyeong in the age of the 23rd King, Sunjo, of the Joseon Dynasty, “Bongsantalchum (an Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 17)” - a traditional masked dance with a blend of dance and wit along with singing, “Pansori” - a Korean traditional narrative vocal performance passed down from the Joseon Dynasty, “Buchaechum” with gorgeous dancing and dazzling costumes, “Jangguchum” making the body feel the exciting rhythm of the percussion instrument, “Sinawi” - an ensemble of eight traditional music instruments, Geomungo (a Korean zitherlike instrument with six strings), Gayageum (twelve-stringed Korean harp), Jing (a Korean gong), Ajaeng (a seven-stringed court musical instrument), Haegeum (a Korean fiddle), Piri (a Korean flute), Daegeum (a Korean large transverse bamboo flute), and Janggu (a Korean double-headed drum), and “Samullori” – a traditional percussion quartet making performers and audiences join in together - are presented differently according to their seasonal programs.“Mansumu” for wishing the King's longevity and a percussional music performance are currently included and presented.

Korean Traditional Stage "MISO" at Chongdong Theater

01.01.2008 ~ 12.31.2008
Chongdong Theater
Contact) +82-2-751-1500 (English, Japanese)
Admission/Participation Fees
seat R 40,000 won / seat S 30,000 won seat A 20,000 won/ Student 10,000 won
Duration of Performance
70 mins
Sponsors / Management
Chongdong Theater /
A collection of traditional Korean fine arts performances will be presented at Chongdong Theater during the event of "MISO". The Chongdong Theater’s "Korean Traditional Stage" has been regularly featured as a signature performance venue since 1997 for both Korean audiences and international tourists alike. As the famous stage made exclusively for traditional Korean arts performances, the event will feature the traditional rhythms of samulnori (traditional Korean percussion quartet), Korea’s beautiful buchaechum (traditional fan dance), and pansori (traditional Korean narrative song) in order to bring the true essence of Korea’s fine arts to audiences. During the performances, subtitled descriptions will be displayed on a screen in English, Japanese, and Chinese for each theme. The Chongdong Theater changes its traditional arts stage annually. In January of this year, the theater upgraded its venue to the traditional arts performance of Miso. Miso is scheduled to run until December of this year, showcasing the musical fusion of song and dance set against a woman’s love story that results in a happy ending. The performance highlights seven different performing arts themes including samulnori, a gayageum (twelve-stringed Korean harp) performance, and buchaechum. Even during the performance, audience members can go up on the stage with the performers to participate in Beona (a stunt where a large circular disc or plate spun with a stick or tobacco pipe), and after the performance, guests can spend some time with the performers at Chongdong Theater’s outdoor yard.
How to Particpate
MISO will be performed regularly at 8:00pm from April to September and at 4:00pm from October to March at the Chongdong Theater, excluding Mondays. For added entertainment, a Janggu (double-headed Korean drums) School has been prepared to entertain guests up to an hour before the show is scheduled to begin, together with a traditional Korean costume-wearing program.

Sep 13, 2008

Chuseok Food

Chuseok is a time for rich plentiful harvests. Therefore there are many fruits and newly harvested rice with which rice, tteok, and drinks are made from.

- Songpyeon

Songpyeon is one of the representative snacks of Chuseok. This rice cake is prepared with rice or non-glutinous rice powder that is kneaded into the perfect size, then filled with sesame seeds, beans, red beans, chestnuts, and a host of other nutritious foods. When steaming the songpyeon, the bottom of the rice cakes are layered with pine needles, which fill the rice cakes with their delightful fragrance. On the evening of Chuseok Eve, the entire family gathers together to make songpyeon under the bright moon. There is an old Korean saying that says that the person who makes the most beautiful songpyeon will meet a good-looking spouse. Therefore, the single members of the family try their best to make the nicest looking songpyeon as they laugh out loud in merriment.

- Alcoholic Beverages
Another major element of Chuseok is the alcoholic beverages. This traditional Chuseok drink is made of newly harvested rice and is also known as “The Hundred Year” Drink. People who look forward to this major holiday are also rich in generosity and like to share their generosity over drinks.

Chuseok Customs

On the morning of Chuseok Day, Songpyeon (type of Korean rice cake) and food prepared with the year’s fresh harvest are arranged to give thanks to ancestors through Charye (ancestor memorial service). After Charye, families visit their ancestors’ graves and engage in Beolcho, where weeds around the burial grounds are removed. As the night nears, families and friends enjoy the beautiful view of the full harvest moon and play folk games such as Ganggangsullae (Korean circle dance).

- Charye (ancestor memorial services)

On Chuseok morning, family members gather at their homes to hold memorial services in the honor of their ancestors called Charye. Formal Charye services are held twice a year during Seollal (New Year’s Day) and Chuseok. The difference between the two services is that during Seollal the major representative food is white tteok-guk, a rice cake soup, while during Chuseok the major representative food is freshly harvested rice. After the service, the family members sit down together at the table to enjoy some delicious food to symbolize their blessings.

- Beolcho (removing weeds around the grave) and Seongmyo (visiting ancestral graves)

Visiting ancestral graves during Chuseok is known as ‘Seongmyo’ and during this visit, family members usually cut the weeds that have grown around the graves in the summer season. Taking care of the ancestral graves such as removing weeds is called ‘Beolcho’. This custom is considered a duty and an expression of devotion. On the weekends, about one month prior to the Chuseok holidays, Korea’s highways become extremely congested with families visiting their ancestral graves to fulfill their ancestral duties.

- Ganggangsullae (Korean circle dance)

Mothers and daughters dressed in hanbok (traditional Korean dress) gather around in a circle, holding hands, and sing together. This dance originated from the Joseon Dynasty during the Japanese invasion when the Korean army dressed Korean mothers and daughters in military uniforms and had them circle a mountain peak to make the Japanese think the Korean military was greater in number than it actually was. Through this strategy, the Koreans were eventually able to defeat the Japanese.

Chuseok – Full Moon Harvest Holiday

Chuseok is one of Korea’s most largely celebrated holidays. It is a time when families and friends gather to share food and enjoy their time together, giving thanks to their ancestors for the year’s bountiful harvests. This year, Korea’s representative traditional holiday of Chuseok falls on September 14th of the solar calendar. It will last three days, from September 13th to September 15th and marks a prime opportunity for foreign visitors to tour Korea’s cities and experience Korea’s culture while all the bustling crowds are away visiting family relatives. Let us look a little deeper in to what Chuseok represents for Koreans.

Chuseok (Hangawi)
As one of Korea’s three major holidays, the other two being Seollal (New Year’s Day) and Dano (the 5th of the 5th month of the year according to the lunar calendar), Chuseok is also referred to as Hangawi, which means the very middle of August, or August 15th according to the lunar calendar. As an agrarian society throughout history, Hangawi was the day in which Koreans thanked the ancestors for the year’s harvest and shared their abundance with family and friends. Although the exact origin of Chuseok is unclear, Chuseok can be traced back to a religion related to the moon from ancient times. The sun was considered natural, but the full moon that came once a month to brighten the dark night was seen as a grateful presence. Therefore, festivities took place on the day of the largest full moon, on August 15th of the lunar calendar, and thus became, and is to this day, one of the most important days of celebration.

Summer Beach

Last vacation I went to the beach in Korea with my friends.
It's very nice trip and meaningful.
Muan Tommeo-ri beach is very beautiful.
Look up~
The beach is very clear, isn't it?

We had very very nice time.
And we had to leave my friend, Sujung.
Gong SuJung is my friend.
But she isn't here in Korea.
She is in America.
Go to America to study.
This time, What sujung do?
I very miss her. Someday.... I will meet her.
Maybe She will make many friend in America.

Taekwondo Kicks

Tae Kwon Do’s Most Challenging Kicks
Let’s face it. Everyone loves martial arts. From Bruce Lee to Chuck Liddell, people go just about crazy for the chance to see a good fight.Korea’s Taekwondo, known for its colorful and elaborate kicks, is one of the most recognized forms of martial arts today and below we will showcase 5 of the most exciting and dangerous kicks in the Taekwondo Martial Arts Master’s skill set.

1. The Front Kick(Ap Chaki) is used for targets directly in front of you and is one of the first kicking techniques learned in Tae Kwon Do. Performed correctly, it's among the most powerful.

2. Side Kicks require less flexibility to reach head height than any other standing kick. However, they need much greater strength and precision to be used effectively in anything but a rough, pushing strike such as that employed by other push kicks.

3. Back (spin) kicks are directed backward keeping the kicking leg close to the standing leg and using the heel as a striking surface.

4. A Flying Kick, in martial arts, is a general description of kicks that involve a running start, jump, then a kick in mid-air.
5. Low Kicks are the most feared kicks as they normally results in a heel coming in contact with your crouch at a very high velocity.


Taekwondo is a martial art form and sport that that uses the hands and feet for attack and defense. The focus of Taekwondo is on training and disciplining the mind along with the body. For those learning the martial art it plays four different roles.

First, Taekwondo as an Exercise

Taekwondo is a good exercise for children who are still growing as well as a good way for grown-ups to increase their physical endurance. Taekwondo's movements require extensive use of the joints, which increases the limberness of one's body. Since there is kicking, jabbing and shouting involved, it's also a great way to relieve stress and get a good workout.

Second, Taekwondo as a Bare Handed Martial Arts Form

Taekwondo learners attack the opponent with their bare hands and feet. What sets this apart from other martial arts forms are the powerful and various leg movements involved, and that is what has enabled it to become a worldwide martial art. Taekwondo's attack is aggressive, but at the same time the focus is more on the defense aspect. This can act positively for those wanting to learn Taekwondo as a way of self defense for practical purpose even in modern times.

Third, Taekwondo as a Sport

Taekwondo is an official competitive category in major world sporting events such as the Olympics, Panam Games, Asian Games, All American Games, and South American Games. Competitive Taekwondo involves safety gear and set attacks and defenses as to limit the amount of damage possible. This way, competitive martial artists can enjoy the thrill of competing with less risks.

Fourth, Taekwondo as an Educational Method

Taekwondo trains the body, but does as much to develop the mind as well. The objective of learning Taekwondo is to foster growth in both areas in order to become a more mature human being. Taekwondo learners receive repeated etiquette lessons along with the attack and defense skills to build and strengthen their character.


1 through 96 Dokdo-ri Ulleung-eup Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do (101 lots) (postal : 799-805)
Dokdo is the easternmost territory of Korea and situated 87.4km to the southeast of Ulleungdo Island and 216.8km to the east of Jukbeon of the East Coast.As it is 157.5km to the northwest of Oki Island of Shimane Prefecture of Japan, Japan cannot see Dokdo from Oki Island when we can see Dokdo from Ulleungdo Island on a clear day.Dokdo has been created by volcanic activities. It is not one island, but consists of two large islands – Dongdo and Seodo – and 89 small islands around them. Dokdo’s coordinates are 131°52′10.4″ East Longitude and 37°14′26.8″ North Latitude for Dongdo and 131°51′54.6″ East Longitude and 37°14′30.6″ North Latitude for Seodo.

Dokdo is
the easternmost territory of Korea that is 87.4km to the southeast of Ulleungdo Island of Korea and 157,5km to the northwest of Oki Island of Japan.

Dokdo is 187,554㎡ (Dongdo: 73,297㎡; Seodo: 88,740㎡; Other Islands: 25,517㎡) and is a government-owned land (owned by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries). The strait between Dongdo and Seodo is 151m in width, 330m in length, and about 10m in depth.

[News] On the move for Chuseok

With the three-day Chuseok holiday beginning today, Koreans are hitting the road for the annual exodus to spend the holiday with their family members.
More than 350,000 rushed out of Seoul to visit their hometowns yesterday.
Another 290,000 were expected to pack their bags to join loved ones during Chuseok, Korea's Thanksgiving, according to the Korea Expressway Corporation.
"The worst traffic congestion will be seen from late Friday throughout today since a great number of people will likely take the expressway after getting off from work," an official at the KEC said. "However, we don't expect a severe traffic jam because we project a smaller number of people to visit their hometowns with this year's short holiday."
The sky for central regions is forecasted to be clear today but rain is expected in the southern regions and Jeju, weather authorities said.
The projected precipitation is 10-50 millimeters for Jeju, 5-30 millimeters for South Gyeongsang Province and 5-20 millimeters for South Jeolla Province, they said.
The morning lows will range from 16-22 degrees Celsius and the daytime highs will reach 25-30 degrees Celsius.
The National Emergency Management Agency also warned of typhoon Sinlaku, which may impact the nation during the holiday.
It urged local governments to maintain emergency readiness, allowing government branches to check-up on the typhoon's status and provide support if needed.

A family walk to a train at Seoul Station yesterday to head for their hometown.

[Kim Myung-sub/The Korea Herald]

Meanwhile, an array of cultural programs are being prepared for citizens and non-Korean residents across the nation.
A cultural event by 50 migrant workers will be launched at the National Recreation Forest Office in Jangseong, South Jeolla Province, from Saturday through Monday.
They will experience traditional culture by making Songpyeon, traditional rice cakes.

By Cho Ji-hyun , The Korea Herald News.
( 2008.09.13