Sep 27, 2008

Laver roll-rice

Preparation & Cooking Time: 40 minutes
- Serves: 3

* Ingredient

3 Cups steamed rice 2 eggs, 3TS water, 1ts salt, 1/4ts sugar1 cucumber , 1/2ts salt100g ham 100g Pickled radish in Japanese style 3 sheets of laver

* Recipe

1. Cool steamed rice.
2. Diagonally cut cucumbers into long thin slices, mix reserved them with salt.3. Cut ham and pickled radish into long thin slices.4. Sift sugar and salt in medium mixing bowl and add combined eggs and water, mix.5. Pour the mixture (Number ④) onto base of pan. When top is bubbly and underside is golden, turn over and cook other side. Remove from pan and Cut it into long slices.6. Toast sheets of laver.
7. Place steamed rice onto center of a laver and spread rice with fingers into a same size of laver. (Remain the upper portion of laver, 2cm)8. Place other fillings and arrange them on the spread rice.
9. Roll it up and cut into 10 pieces.

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