Sep 13, 2008

Taekwondo Kicks

Tae Kwon Do’s Most Challenging Kicks
Let’s face it. Everyone loves martial arts. From Bruce Lee to Chuck Liddell, people go just about crazy for the chance to see a good fight.Korea’s Taekwondo, known for its colorful and elaborate kicks, is one of the most recognized forms of martial arts today and below we will showcase 5 of the most exciting and dangerous kicks in the Taekwondo Martial Arts Master’s skill set.

1. The Front Kick(Ap Chaki) is used for targets directly in front of you and is one of the first kicking techniques learned in Tae Kwon Do. Performed correctly, it's among the most powerful.

2. Side Kicks require less flexibility to reach head height than any other standing kick. However, they need much greater strength and precision to be used effectively in anything but a rough, pushing strike such as that employed by other push kicks.

3. Back (spin) kicks are directed backward keeping the kicking leg close to the standing leg and using the heel as a striking surface.

4. A Flying Kick, in martial arts, is a general description of kicks that involve a running start, jump, then a kick in mid-air.
5. Low Kicks are the most feared kicks as they normally results in a heel coming in contact with your crouch at a very high velocity.

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