Sep 22, 2008


On June 1, I walked around Insa-dong area which known as the Korean traditional street with many Korean traditional caf? galleries and restaurants. It was very nice day and even I felt hot. Insa-dong area is very well known place to foreigners who are interested in Korean culture, way of life. You can experience Korean traditional culture here. Sometimes they play Korean dance or music. You can buy Korean potteries, Hanbok, Korean pictures etc.
How to get there?
I suggest you to take a subway especially on weekends. Take subway line # 1 or line # 3 or line # 5 and then get off at subway station Jongno 3(sam)-ga(Tapgol park)?then walk down to Jongno 1(il)-ga for about 3 minutes. You will meet big 4-way intersection. On you right there is the entrance of the Insa-dong.

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